What happens if I contact my pharmacist about a side effect of a Novartis medication?

Comic - my questions

This work is the intellectual property of Novartis Pharma Switzerland AG. It is entirely fictional. Any resemblance of its content to people, places or real-life incidents is not intended and purely coincidental. It is for informational purposes only.
According to the Swiss Medicines Act (HMG Art. 59) anyone who professionally dispenses medicinal products is obliged to report all serious or previously unknown side effects and incidents, observations or previously unknown facts and quality defects, that are important for the safety of medicinal products, to the local health authority/Institute.
The content of this comic was created with the help of photographic material, kindly provided free of charge by the following artists/ sources: Karolina Grabowska; Andrea Piacquadio, Studio Cottonbro; www.pexels.com

